Home » Korea Ambassador H.E Park Congratulates Uganda for Winning Joint AFCON 2027 Bid
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Korea Ambassador H.E Park Congratulates Uganda for Winning Joint AFCON 2027 Bid

The Korea Ambassador in Uganda H.E Sung Soo Park has in a heartfelt way congratulated Uganda for winning the bid to host the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) tournament, jointly alongside Kenya and Tanzania.

Confederation of African Football (CAF) accorded the AFCON 2027 hosting rights to Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania with the preparations amongst the three countries already underway.

H.E Park was addressing guests during the 2023 Korea National Day and Armed Forces Day celebrations held at the Sheraton Kampala Hotel Gardens on 3rd October.

Korea Ambassador H.E Sung Soo Park | Credit: David Isabirye

“I have something to celebrate with Uganda as a big fan of football. Allow me to offer my heartfelt congratulations to Uganda for winning the bid to host 2027 Afcon jointly with Kenya and Tanzania. I know how passionate Africa is about this event.” H.E Park stated during the event where the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon Thomas Tayebwa was chief guest.

Every 3rd October, it makes the day the Korean community commemorates the beginning of the Korean nation and history more than 4,300 years ago.

Also, the day is the last day of the long Thanksgiving holidays called “Chuseok” in Korea, meaning “autumn night with full moon” according to the lunar calendar.

Ambassador Park and Thomas Tayebwa toast | Credit: David Isabirye

“Korean people wish everyday was just like “Chuseok”, because the term “Chuseok” itself gives us a sense of material abundance and relaxation of body and mind. Therefore I’d like to greet all of you again with a happy and joyful Chuseok.” The Ambassador added.

He also hinted of strengthening the economic cooperation between Uganda and Korea.

Hon Okello Oryem (right) with other dignatries | Credit: David Isabirye

“The level of economic cooperation is not yet sufficient. Currently, the volume of trade stands below 50 million dollars and the number of goods traded is limited. Korea’s investment in Uganda stood at 10 million dollars in 2022. Despite Uganda’s natural tourist resources, beautifully referred to as the Pearl of Africa, there are only a small number of Korean tourist. The Korean government is making every effort to bridge the development divide, climate divide and digital divide, so as to finally reduce income and wealth inequality in the world with our own African Development Cooperation Strategy. Korea is now the 11th largest economy, the 9th exporter and the 7th importer in the global economic community. Boosting trade and investment cooperation between Korea and Uganda will be the driving force to enable a long journey together. Korea is ready, willing and able to do business and engage in economic cooperation with Uganda in earnest. In this regard, I am hoping that Uganda will foster more trade- and investment-friendly business environment in terms of legal and institutional aspects.” He added.

Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament | Credit: David Isabirye

In his address, the speaker of the Ugandan Parliament Rt. Hon Thomas Tayebwa lauded the special occasion.

“For over 53 years, Uganda and Korea have enjoyed excellent and mutually beneficial political, economic and historical relations based on the principles of mutual respect, democracy and shared interests.” The Deputy speaker opened up.

A band performs at the Korea National Day and Armed Forces Day | Credit: David Isabirye

“Uganda looks forward to the Second Political Consultative Meeting between our two countries, which will give us a platform to further strengthen our bilateral relations. In the same breadth, we welcome the upcoming Korea – Africa Summit slated for June, 2024 as yet another opportunity to discuss areas pertinent to the continent and identify new avenues for both technical and financial support, that are critical to leapfrogging of the economic development of Africa, in line with the AU Agenda 2063. I take this opportunity to invite Korean companies and individuals to take advantage of the numerous opportunities available in Uganda and invest especially in Uganda’s strategic sectors of agriculture and agro-processing, oil and gas, minerals, ICT, Human resource development, tourism and infrastructure development” He added.

Guests at the 2023 Korea National Day and Armed Forces Day | Credit: David Isabirye
Young performers entertain the crowd at Sheraton Kampala Hotel | Credit: David Isabirye

There were performances by the band and K-Kop Taekwondo group of young athletes.

The guests were later served to a cake, dinner as they wined before networking till late.

Ambasador Park and wife, Deputy Speaker Tayebwa and wife as well as Minister Okello Oryem and wife cut the cake | Credit: David Isabirye

Source : Kawowo
