Home » Han Zheng Meets Respectively with President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera of Malawi and Zanzibar President Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi of Tanzania
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Han Zheng Meets Respectively with President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera of Malawi and Zanzibar President Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi of Tanzania

On June 28, 2023, Vice President Han Zheng met respectively with President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera of Malawi and Zanzibar President Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi of Tanzania, who were in China to attend the third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo in Changsha, Hunan Province.

During his meeting with Chakwera, Han Zheng said that China and Malawi are development partners supporting and trusting each other. Under the joint commitment and guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Chakwera, China-Malawi relations have witnessed sustained, steady and sound development, with fruitful results in cooperation. China supports Malawi in independently exploring a development path suited to its national conditions, and stands ready to work with Malawi to continuously consolidate political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperation, and jointly elevate the friendly and cooperative relations between China and Malawi to a higher level. Malawian enterprises are welcome to actively use the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo and other platforms to deepen economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

Chakwera expressed his gratitude for China’s strong support for Malawi’s efforts to develop its economy and improve people’s well-being. Malawi attaches great importance to developing its relationship with China, firmly pursues the one-China policy, and stands ready to work with China to conduct exchanges on state governance and strengthen practical cooperation in various fields.

During his meeting with Mwinyi, Han Zheng said that China and Tanzania are good friends, good brothers, and good partners. The friendly and cooperative relationship between China and Zanzibar is an important part of China-Tanzania relations. China-Zanzibar cooperation has enjoyed sound momentum in recent years, greatly enriching and substantiating the China-Tanzania comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. The two sides should take implementing the important common understandings reached between the two heads of state as an opportunity to strengthen communication and exchanges, further tap the potential for cooperation, and promote the continued development of bilateral relations. Han Zheng briefed Mwinyi on China’s vision of developing relations with Africa, stressing that China is ready to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with Tanzania and other African countries to jointly break new ground in China-Africa cooperation.

Mwinyi expressed his gratitude for China’s valuable support for Tanzania’s economic and social development over the years. Tanzania has always firmly supported China on issues concerning China’s core interests. Tanzania is ready to deepen bilateral cooperation in various fields under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state.

Source: China Embassy
