Home » Samia Arrives in Unguja for Kizimkazi Festival
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Samia Arrives in Unguja for Kizimkazi Festival

ZANZIBAR : PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan arrived at Unguja  for the Kizimkazi festival.

She landed at her home village of Kimzikazi in the afternoon in a helicopter and was received by government and party leaders led by Unguja South Regional Commissioner, Rashid Hadid Rashid.

“I’ve just come to join you for the festival,” President Samia told an enthusiastic crowd of people cheering at her entourage.

President Samia is on Tuesday expected to lay the foundation stone and inaugurate multiple development projects in Unguja South District.

According to a programme announced by Unguja South District Commissioner, Mr Rajab Mkasaba that will be part of the week-long activities to celebrate the 2023 Kizimkazi-Samia Festival.

He said the projects to be launched as well as those that she will lay foundation stone include a children entertainment park, Hotel Kwanza, schools buildings, administration offices, water supply project by DAWASA and a Quran school.

“Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be a busy day and on Wednesday (August 30), President Dr Samia will inaugurate NMB Bank and PBZ Bank branches in the district,” Mkasaba said.

On Monday, Mr Mkabasa distributed foodstuff which included rice, milk, cooking oil and sugar to orphans and elders in the district, donated by President Samia.

“The target is to reach all elders and orphans to get the food and other necessary amenities,” he said.

“We thank President Samia for the food and pray for her health and good work,” Ms Khadija Amour, a mother of five children said adding that President Samia was doing a lot for her people in both Zanzibar and Tanzania mainland, “treating all people equal in getting essential needs.”

On behalf of Dr Samia, Mkasaba handed over food in all 21 Shehias (lowest administrative areas) of Unguja South District.

President Samia will address the public on Thursday at Kashangae grounds, Paje on Thursday to bring Kizimkazi – Samia festival to a close.

Source : Daily News
